clear lake sleep center services
Services We Provide
- Diagnosis and treatment of all sleep disorders by use of home sleep study or in lab testing
- In network sleep center and physicians
- In-house Physicians are available to review results immediately
- Onsite evaluation for sleep disorders and treatment by a qualified sleep specialist
- Flexible scheduling
- Front door parking
- We will verify and get pre authorization for the approval of the sleep study
- Set up and training of medical equipment to treat your sleep disorders
- Children (sleep treatment for 5 years of age and up)
Sleep deprivation and sleep disorders are estimated to cost Americans over $10 million annually in lost productivity, medical expenses, sick leave, and property and environmental damage (National Sleep Foundation).
Our policy is to perform a split study (one study instead of two) if patients fulfill selected criteria. This minimizes cost and increases patient satisfaction. The physicians provide pre-study selection and post-study clinical follow-up. They also provide general medical management. This will minimize hospital visits and general medical cost. We accept most insurance plans. Claims are filed for you. Visa and MasterCard are always welcomed.